Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Dolphin-2.9.2-Qwen2-72B: Best Uncensored LLM Now?

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Dolphin 2.5 Mixtral 8x7B - Chatbot Online | Free AI tool |
Want to experience the latested, uncensored version of Mixtral 8x7B? Having trouble running Dolphin 2.5 Mixtral 8x7B locally? Try out this online chatbot to experience the wild west of LLMs online!
Dolphin-2.9.2-Qwen2-72B: Best Uncensored LLM Now?
Dolphin-2.9.2-Qwen2-72B: Best Uncensored LLM Now?

Introduction to Dolphin-2.9.2-Qwen2-72B

Dolphin-2.9.2-Qwen2-72B: Best Uncensored LLM Now?

Dolphin-2.9.2-Qwen2-72B is a cutting-edge large language model (LLM) that has garnered significant attention in the AI community. Built upon the foundation of Qwen2-72B, this model represents a leap forward in natural language processing capabilities. In this article, we'll explore the model's training process, its uncensored nature, the underlying Qwen2-72B model's performance, benchmarks, and how to effectively use this powerful AI tool.

Dolphin-2.9.2-Qwen2-72B: Best Uncensored LLM Now?
Dolphin-2.9.2-Qwen2-72B is Wining an Argument with the user

How Dolphin-2.9.2-Qwen2-72B is Trained

The training of Dolphin-2.9.2-Qwen2-72B was a collaborative effort led by Eric Hartford, Lucas Atkins, and Fernando Fernandes, along with Cognitive Computations. The process involved several key steps:

Base Model Selection: The team chose Qwen2-72B as the foundation, leveraging its impressive 72 billion parameters and 128k context window.

Fine-Tuning: The model underwent full-weight fine-tuning with an 8k sequence length, utilizing the ChatML prompt template format.

Dataset Curation: A diverse range of datasets was used for training, including:

  • Dolphin201-sharegpt2
  • Dolphin-coder-codegen
  • Dolphin-coder-translate
  • Code-Feedback datasets
  • OpenHermes200k
  • Orca-Math-resort
  • SystemChat

Training Infrastructure: The team utilized an 8xH100 node provided by Crusoe Cloud for the computationally intensive training process.

Laser Scanner: This technique was employed to select optimal parameters for fine-tuning.

FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) Training: The model was trained using FFT on the selected parameters, enhancing its ability to capture complex patterns in the data.

Uncensored Nature of Dolphin-2.9.2-Qwen2-72B

One of the most distinctive features of Dolphin-2.9.2-Qwen2-72B is its uncensored nature. The development team intentionally filtered the dataset to remove alignment and bias, resulting in a more compliant and versatile model. However, this uncensored approach comes with both benefits and potential risks:


  • Increased versatility in handling a wide range of topics
  • Ability to engage in more nuanced and context-specific conversations
  • Potential for more creative and unrestricted outputs


  • Potential for generating inappropriate or unethical content
  • Increased responsibility on the user to implement proper safeguards

It's crucial to note that users are advised to implement their own alignment layer before deploying the model as a service. As stated by the developers:

"You are responsible for any content you create using this model. Enjoy responsibly."

How Good Is Qwen2-72B?

Qwen2-72B, developed by Alibaba Cloud, serves as the backbone for Dolphin-2.9.2. This model boasts several impressive features:

  • 72 billion parameters: Providing extensive knowledge and reasoning capabilities
  • 128k context window: Allowing for processing of very long input sequences
  • Multilingual support: Proficient in various languages, including English and Chinese
  • Instruction-following capabilities: Adept at understanding and executing complex instructions
  • Code generation: Skilled in generating and understanding programming code

Benchmarks and Performance of Dolphin-2.9.2-Qwen2-72B

While specific benchmarks for Dolphin-2.9.2-Qwen2-72B are not provided in the available information, we can infer its capabilities based on the underlying Qwen2-72B model and the enhancements made during fine-tuning. Here's a general overview of its performance in various areas:

  1. Natural Language Understanding: Excellent comprehension of complex queries and context
  2. Text Generation: High-quality, coherent, and contextually appropriate outputs
  3. Instruction Following: Strong ability to follow detailed instructions and complete tasks
  4. Code Generation: Proficient in generating code across multiple programming languages
  5. Multilingual Capabilities: Effective communication in various languages
  6. Long-form Content: Capable of handling and generating lengthy text due to its large context window

It's important to note that the uncensored nature of Dolphin-2.9.2-Qwen2-72B may result in different performance characteristics compared to more restricted models, particularly in areas related to content filtering and safety.

How to Use Dolphin-2.9.2-Qwen2-72B

To effectively use this powerful model, follow these steps:

Installation: The model can be accessed through various platforms, including Hugging Face and custom implementations.

Prompt Format: Use the ChatML prompt template for optimal results:

You are Dolphin, a helpful AI assistant.<|im_end|>



Implement Safety Measures: Due to the uncensored nature of the model, it's crucial to implement appropriate content filtering and safety measures before deployment.

Leverage Long Context: Take advantage of the 128k context window by providing detailed prompts and relevant context for complex tasks.

Explore Various Capabilities: Experiment with different types of tasks, including:

  • Open-ended conversations
  • Creative writing
  • Code generation and debugging
  • Analytical problem-solving
  • Multilingual communication

Fine-tuning (Optional): For specific use cases, consider further fine-tuning the model on domain-specific data.

Sample Usage for Dolphin-2.9.2-Qwen2-72B

Here's a simple example of how to use Dolphin-2.9.2-Qwen2-72B for a coding task:

from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM

# Load the model and tokenizer
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("cognitivecomputations/dolphin-2.9.2-qwen2-72b")
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("cognitivecomputations/dolphin-2.9.2-qwen2-72b")

# Prepare the prompt
prompt = """<|im_start|>system
You are Dolphin, a helpful AI assistant.<|im_end|>

Write a Python function to calculate the Fibonacci sequence up to n terms.<|im_end|>


# Generate the response
input_ids = tokenizer.encode(prompt, return_tensors="pt")
output = model.generate(input_ids, max_length=500, num_return_sequences=1)
response = tokenizer.decode(output[0], skip_special_tokens=True)


This example demonstrates how to use the model for a coding task, but remember that Dolphin-2.9.2-Qwen2-72B is versatile and can be applied to a wide range of tasks beyond coding.

Ethical Considerations and Best Practices for Dolphin-2.9.2-Qwen2-72B

When using Dolphin-2.9.2-Qwen2-72B, keep the following ethical considerations and best practices in mind:

Content Moderation: Implement robust content moderation systems to filter out potentially harmful or inappropriate outputs.

Transparency: Clearly communicate to users that they are interacting with an AI model, especially one that is uncensored.

Bias Awareness: While efforts have been made to reduce bias, be aware that the model may still exhibit biases present in its training data.

Responsible Use: Adhere to ethical guidelines and legal requirements when deploying the model in real-world applications.

Continuous Monitoring: Regularly assess the model's outputs and performance to identify and address any issues that may arise.


Dolphin-2.9.2-Qwen2-72B represents a significant advancement in the field of large language models. Its uncensored nature, combined with the powerful Qwen2-72B foundation, offers unprecedented flexibility and capability in natural language processing tasks. However, this power comes with great responsibility, and users must approach its deployment with careful consideration of ethical implications and safety measures.

As AI technology continues to evolve, models like Dolphin-2.9.2-Qwen2-72B push the boundaries of what's possible in machine learning and natural language processing. By understanding its strengths, limitations, and proper usage, developers and researchers can harness this powerful tool to drive innovation across various domains while maintaining a commitment to responsible AI development and deployment.

Interested in the latest trend in AI?

Then, You cannot miss out Anakin AI!

Anakin AI is an all-in-one platform for all your workflow automation, create powerful AI App with an easy-to-use No Code App Builder, with Llama 3, Claude Sonnet 3.5, GPT-4, Uncensored LLMs, Stable Diffusion...

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Dolphin 2.5 Mixtral 8x7B - Chatbot Online | Free AI tool |
Want to experience the latested, uncensored version of Mixtral 8x7B? Having trouble running Dolphin 2.5 Mixtral 8x7B locally? Try out this online chatbot to experience the wild west of LLMs online!
Dolphin-2.9.2-Qwen2-72B: Best Uncensored LLM Now?
Dolphin-2.9.2-Qwen2-72B: Best Uncensored LLM Now?

from Anakin Blog

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